May 16, 2020
Dear Palm Valley Homeowners:
As most of you know, Governor Ducey announced earlier this week that pools and amenities should be reopened. In accordance with the state, the Palm Valley Phase I playgrounds and the Palmilla pool will reopen tomorrow, Saturday, May 16th. Please understand there is no way the Board can assure any one person’s safety from COVID-19, therefore, residents must be prepared to make good personal decisions. The Association asks that all homeowners use good judgment and caution when choosing to use the community amenities. Please consider bringing wipes for the equipment, limiting group numbers and following CDC and State guidelines regarding social distancing. If you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath or had contact with anyone that may have COVID-19, we ask that you do not use any of the community facilities. For the time being, community facilities are available only to residents and are not for guests use. In an effort to maintain social distancing, the maximum number of pool users at one time should not exceed 15 people. The pool furniture has been removed from the pool area, so please bring your own chairs, towels, etc. If you choose to use the facilities, please do so responsibly by adhering to the following guidelines:
If you feel sick, you should go home.
Maintain social/physical distancing to the extent possible. Stay at least 6 feet away from other patrons.
If you are at a higher risk for severe illness, you should avoid visiting community facilities.
Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
After leaving the facility, use hand sanitizer. When you get home, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Those swimming should not wear medical masks in the pool.
Facility use is at your own risk.
Thank you for your patience as we all navigate this unfamiliar territory together and find our new normal. Thank you and be safe out there!
Susie Lumley
Community Manager
FirstService Residential